Death Typer Mac OS

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You need to type the music copyright symbol on Mac and you don’t know how to insert it. Don’t worry, we are here with a simple option code that will help you do it. Use Option+2117 code to type the music copyright symbol ℗ on Mac. Final Words: In this article, we have explained all the possible ways to type the copyright symbol on Mac. I like “real” single- and double-quotes - not the fake ones on your keyboard next to the Return key - and after a little research, here’s how you can type them on your Mac OS X system: Left double quote (“) - AltLeftBracket; Right double quote (”) - ShiftAltLeftBracket; Left single quote (‘) - AltRightBracket. On some Macintoshes (e.g. PowerBook 540c) if the user presses the command and power keys before the screen comes up, it will play the chimes of death; the chimes are a fraction of normal speed and there is no Sad Mac displayed.

CNET Software held a new operating system ” death match ” pitting Mac OS X 10.1 against Windows XP. And the winner is … Mac OS X.

When it comes to installation, CNET says that the Mac offers up its traditionally simple, hands-free installation, while XP requires a lengthy CD key and product activation. Regarding the user interface, CNET likes Windows XP better. They write: “Sure, we’re impressed that the Mac has come up to speed with features such as full keyboard support, a column or Web view for its folders, support for the right-click and a customizable interface. But Windows has had all or most of those tools for years. We also find XP’s new, task-oriented interface much more intuitive and powerful than Aqua’s baffling directory scheme and clunky, annoying Dock.”

As for software compatibility, Mac OS X is declared the winner. CNET says that XP does carry a “slight edge because of the sheer mass of available titles,” but Mac OS X’s future looks bright due to its support for old and new apps, plus Unix and Linux apps, and a development environment “that sheds its proprietary roots with a vengeance.”

However, Windows XP gets CNET’s nod for hardware compatibility. Despite OS X’s seamless integration with its proprietary hardware, the hardware is, in fact, “proprietary, and the peripherals tend to be few and far between compared to the sheer mass available to XP,” CNET says. Plus, Apple’s operating system suffers from a lack of native drivers and software for popular devices.


When it comes to Internet support, XP and OS X 10.1 are given a tie. CNET says that “each OS is jammed with Net tools, and we simply couldn’t pick a winner.”

But when all is said and done, Mac OS X 10.1 won the death match. Despite Apple’s “expensive, proprietary hardware,” OS X triumphs pricewise, thanks to Windows XP’s “high overall cost and stingy licensing scheme,” CNET concludes. Plus, OS X has “promising software compatibility and powerful, attractive Internet tools without all of XP’s marketing and coercion.”

Mac Creator Signature and File Types in Revolution/LiveCode
(For use with the fileType and stackFileType properties)

by Devin Asay

Creator Signatures and File Types

The Mac Classic operating system used four-character codes to keep track of what application should be used to open specific files and what type of files applications could open. A unique creator signature was assigned to every application and any file could store a creator code in its resource fork. The OS maintained a database of which creator codes matched which applications, so that when the user double-clicked a file, the OS would look up the creator code in its database and launch the proper application. Similarly, every file could have a file type code assigned to it. For example, plain text files were type 'TEXT' and MS Word documents were 'WDBN'. Application writers could tell their applications which types of files it could open. So many different applications could open TEXT files, but very few could open WDBN files.

When Mac OS X came along it had the ability to determine appropriate applications for launching files by looking at the file's extension, as had been done in the DOS, UNIX and Windows world for years. In addition, Mac OS X can still recognize and match files to applications using file types and creator signatures.

Note: Beginning with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, creator codes are ignored by OS X, and have been superseded internally by Apple's Uniform Type Identifier scheme. However, setting a filetype in LiveCode can still be useful for providing support for OS X legacy systems. In any event, no harm is done by setting this property in your LiveCode projects.

When writing files to the local file system with LiveCode on Mac systems, it is a good idea to first set the fileType global property, so that the OS will know what applications can open it. The syntax is:

Creator & type is an eight-character string composed of a four-character creator signature followed by a four-character file type. So for example, to save a PDF file assigned to be opened in Adobe Reader use

To save a PDF file to be opened in the default PDF application set in the system's preferences, use the creator signature for an unknown application, '????':

To save a movie file to be opened in QuickTime Player

Death Typer Mac Os 11

If you set the fileType to empty, OS X will look at the file's extension and determine which application should open it based on the system's preferences.

Death Typer Mac Os Catalina

Note: If you want to save a stack with a creator and file type that are different from the LiveCode default 'RevoRSTK', set the stackFileType property instead.

See the LiveCode Dictionary entries for 'fileType' and 'stackFileType' for more information.

Discovering Creator and File Type Codes

The difficulty with setting these codes is that there is no single, authoritative list available to the public. So people have resorted to maintaining lists on their own. Here is a list of commonly-used creator signature and file type codes, culled from my own experience and lists I discovered on the web:

Creator Signatures

Adobe Reader'CARO'
Any Application'APPL'
SimpleText (Classic App)'ttxt'
TextEdit (OS X App)'ttxt'
Unknown application
WordPerfect Mac'WPC2'
MS Excel'XCEL'
Stuffit Expander'SITx'
Garage Band'band'
Real Player'PNst'

File type codes

text file'TEXT'
QuickTime movie'MooV'
MPEG video'MPG '
MPEG2 movie'MPG2'
MPEG-4 video'M4V '
MP3 audio file'Mp3 '
LiveCode stack'RSTK'
HyperCard stack'STAK'
GIF file'GIFf'
PNG file'PNGf'
BMP file'BMPf'
TIFF image'TIFF'
EPS file'EPSF'
Photoshop PSD'8BPS'
Mac PICT image'PICT'
MIDI music file'Midi
QuarkXpress document'XDOC'
WordPerfect Mac'WPD1'
MS Excel worksheet'XLS '
MS PowerPoint'PPT3'
Stuffit archive'SIT!'
RTF files'RTF '
Mac snd resource'snd '
Windows WAV file'WAVE'
µ-law sound file'ULAW'
Generic binary file'BINA'
TrueType font'tfil'
Flash file'SWFL'
Universal Disk Image (DMG)'udif'

If you can't find the creator code you need in this list, you can get creator codes from the Info.plist in a Mac OS X application bundle. Look at the value for node CFBundleSignature.

Here are some URLs to sites where people who have tried to construct lists of common creator and file types. Since the web is constantly changing, these sites may disappear at any time.

Making Up Your Own Creator Codes

If you create your own custom applications you can still make up your own, custom creator signature. The requirements are:

- It must consist of four characters. A space is a legal character. Upper and lower case alpha characters are considered different characters.
- It cannot consist of all lower case alpha characters, which are reserved for Apple applications.
- The combination of characters must be unique.
- You should register your creator code with Apple at This ensures that your code does not conflict with any other registered application.

Once you have made up and registered your creator code, use it in the Signature field in the OS X settings in the LiveCode Standalone Applications Settings utility.

Making Up Your Own File Types

Apple no longer registers file type codes, but you can still create and use your own if it seems useful to do so. The rules for file type codes are roughly the same as those for creator codes. Since there is no way to register them to ensure they are unique, the best approach is to try to make up a file type that you have never encountered before. The lists included here and in the URLs above can help in this. But even if you choose to use a file type code that already exists, when you use it in conjunction with a creator code, the combination is still unique. For example, if you use LiveCode stacks as documents that your Rev application produces, you should be fine to use the 'RSTK' file type with it. Let's say your application uses a custom creator code 'FooB'. If your application creates stacks as document files for its own use, just set the stackFileType like this before you save it to disk:

Death Typer Mac Os Download

set the stackFileType to 'FooBRSTK'

That will tell the OS who owns the document file and should prevent confusion should the user try to open a document file belonging to your application by double clicking it.

Using a Custom File Extension

A final caveat: if you use a custom file type and creator code, you'll be best off to also use a custom file extension. Using the previous example, if your application saves LiveCode stacks as custom documents, you should also use your own custom file extension. A document file that has the stackFileType 'FooBRSTK' but a .rev file extension may still be considered by the OS to belong to the LiveCode application, not yours. This is especially true in the Windows and Linux environments, since creator codes and file types are only used in Mac OS Classic and OS X. It is better to save your stack-as-custom-document with its own extension, like this:

set the stackFileType to 'FooBRSTK'
save stack 'MyDoc' as '/Folder/MyDoc.foob'

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Maintained by Devin Asay.
Copyright © 2005 Brigham Young University