First Star Online 3 Mac OS

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After running out of cats, Apple began naming the Mac Operating System (macOS) after California landmarks. About a week and a half ago Mojave hit the App Store with new features and new apps. Mojave is this year's major operating system upgrade for Macs. It is wise to stay up to date if only to help keep your computer secure. The game is set in the 25th century, 30 years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. Star Trek Online is the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game within the Star Trek franchise and was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2010. At launch, the game required a game purchase and a recurring monthly fee.

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Year released:
Publisher:Star Division
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
staroffice3.1_ger.toast_.sit (42.00 MB)
MD5: 587531c0d6a2d934c05835c8a2d03222
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 8 - 8.1
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de
French-Spelling-SO-31.sit (1,009.65 KB)
MD5: ae7961ff18f41cce2ff487e69e16870b
For System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 8 - 8.1
[www].se [ftp].se [mirror].us [mirror].de

This is StarOffice 3.1 by Star Division.
See also or for details.

During installation, some fonts are installed. To use them with other applications as well, a restart is required ('Während der Installation wurden neue Zeichensätze Installiert. Damit diese allen Programmen zur Verfügung stehen, ist ein Neustart erforderlich'.) 'Neustart' would perform the restart, but 'Beenden' just exits the Installer application.

First star online 3 mac os download
  • DL #1: StarOffice 3.1 for Macintosh, Toast CD image in a StuffIt '.sit' archive.
  • DL #2: French spelling dictionary, thesaurus and hyphenation aides, which are missing from the full install above. Place all 3 files included in the archive into the 'Star Division' folder, after installing StarOffice 3.1 onto your Mac, to have spelling checking for the French language.

First Star Online 3 Mac Os Download

First Star Online 3 Mac OS

It's recommended to deactivate third-party utilities that change the GUI of the Mac OS, e.g.; Aaron.

StarOffice 3.1 is incompatible with the Macintosh Appearance Manager, which must be deactivated for using it in Mac OS's 8.0 & 8.1 (or earlier Mac OS's if the Appearance Manager for 7.6.1 & earlier Mac OS's has been installed). These versions of the Appearance Manager can be turned off on an app by app basis, for programs that are not compatible with it.
- The Mac OS's 8.5 and later Appearance Manger, cannot be deactivated for applications that are not compatible. StarOffice 3.1 becomes unusable in 8.5 and newer Mac OS's.


First Star Online 3 Mac Os Update

Architecture: PPC
  • Runs from Mac OS 7.5 to 8.1
  • Although the architecture shipped on CD-ROM is 68k + PPC, according to NativeChecker, the Installer application will only install on PowerPC based machines.
  • The installation software will detect your OS and install either for English, German or French language menus.
  • To have English dictionaries installed; Perform a Custom install (and check everything).
  • Only German and English UK/US dictionaries are available with this installation. Choose a dictionary by selecting the region in Options menu under Tools menu.
  • All on-line documentation including Help, is in the German language only.
    • Note: The PDF manual above, is for the (English language) Windows version of the User's Manual. It has been included here because of the lack of an English built-in help (and there is no English Mac equivalent PDF). Aside from the guide's PC setup instructions, the helpful hints for using StarOffice 3.1 outlined in the PDF are the same as (or very similar to) what's required for the Mac version.