INSANITY (tamakomaru) Mac OS
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- Back in 1992 there was a software 'utility' for Mac OS called Insanity. A description of what it did can be found at I have hacked.
- The opening for each 'On The Moon' episode. Anything can happen On The Moon (shortened to On The Moon) is a series set on the Moon that concerns the bizarre life of the satellite's inhabitants.Whilst not as successful as Weebl and Bob, On The Moon has gained a large fanbase since its conception, and was even popular enough to have its own collection on Newgrounds.
- Good news, Mac fans! Apple is committed to the Mac for the foreseeable future and you can look forward to a strong product pipeline. How does the Macalope know this?
Vanderbilt Law School Faculty Publications
At her trial on capital murder charges nine months later, she pleaded insanity. Despite very credible evidence that she had long suffered from serious mental disorder, a Texas jury convicted Yates of murder and sentenced her to life in prison.
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American Journal of Criminal Law
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Insanity (tamakomaru) Mac Os X
On June 20, 2001, Andrea Yates took the lives of her five children by drowning them, one by one, in a bathtub. At her trial on capital murder charges nine months later, she pleaded insanity. Despite very credible evidence that she had long suffered from serious mental disorder, a Texas jury convicted Yates of murder and sentenced her to life in prison. Her tragic and controversial case led many to question whether the so-called 'M'Naghten' test for insanity, which forms the basis for the insanity defense in Texas, adequately defines the exculpatory effect of mental disorder. This article is based on a talk given at a conference entitled 'The Affirmative Defense of Insanity in Texas,' which took place in the wake of the Yates trial.
Recommended Citation
Christopher Slobogin,The Integrationist Alternative to the Insanity Defense: Reflections on the Exculpatory Scope of Mental Illness in the Wake of the Andrea Yates Trial, 30 American Journal of Criminal Law. 315(2003)
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Journal Articles
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58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1104 (1982-1983)
Recommended Citation
Fernand N. Dutile & Thomas H. Singer, What Now for the Insanity Defense?, 58 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1104 (1982-1983).
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